Monday, October 24, 2011

Cookie for Katie???

I'm going as a drag queen for halloween.  My Mrs. is going as a drag king.

I have the makeup, the outfit, the shoes, and the attitude/ego/chutzpah.  She has the swagger, the outfit, my skills with makeup, and the loping walk.

One tiny little thing was missing, though: OUR NAMES.  I mean, you can't even be a drag racer without an awesome name--much less drag royalty.  I mean, please.  QUEEN, please.

After serious deliberation, and wanting a name for myself that was adorable and sweet (I'm going as a fairy dragmother--a beautiful, bitchy angel of glitter and mercy), I have come up with something that fits my personality and my history (when I wanted desserts as a very small child, I would ask "cookie for Katie?").

I--get ready for this--am.......

Cookie Jarre! Oh, yes.  I did. Don't act like you don't like it.

I know She's not interested in finding a drag name.  She's not the type--also, I'm the boss in the relationship.  The man (or, in this case, the more manly woman) may be the head, but the woman is the neck, etc.  So, in my infinite kindness and knowledge, I have come up with a name that fits Her to a tee (just like the shirts She ordered from Heimie's):

Andrew Jennous!   Get it?  Sounds like "androgynous" when you say it out loud?  You with me?  I'm a genius! :D

Halloween is going to be SO much fun!  Except for me wearing enormous heels all night.  That's gonna suck.  But otherwise, it'll be effing fabulous. :)